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1What do you think of computer?Computer is very useful for us The Internet is a great facility for collecting information The Internet makes it easy to build social connections we can have a lot of friends all over the world and reach much knowledge by Internet Millions of;国际消费类电子产品展览会International Consumer Electronics Show,简称CES,由美国电子消费品制造商协会简称CTA主办,旨在促进尖端电子技术和现代生活的紧密结合8Carrier n载体尤指经营空运的运输公司军用运输车运输舰航空母舰带菌者,病原携带者自身不受感染而传播疾病的人或。

我生活在一个现代化社会,科技发达电子产品遍布我们的生活用英语表达I live in a modern society with advanced technology and electronic products all over our lives注完全没有问题,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳;up, moblie phones as a tool to faciliate our lives, we should use them appropriately to make convenience and reduce their negative impacts总结,手机作为一种促进我们生活的工具,我们应该正确的使用它,从而让它变得方便并减少它的负面影响下一页更多精彩“电子产品英语写作范文”。


What do you think of computer?Computer is very useful for us The Internet is a great facility for collecting information The Internet makes it easy to build social connections we can have a lot of friends all over the world and reach much knowledge by Internet Millions of。



最常见的有以下这些 不过要看楼主侧重点在哪里, 如果不是以下这些, 请在线联系current 电流 amperes 安培 resistance 电阻 resistor color code voltage encoding decoding transducer transmittingtransmission receiving transistor LED diode battery capacitor analog digital AC = Alternating CurrentDC。


